Tutoring Program


Here for You

Become a learner with the GLC! This program addresses many different types of literacy (like the examples found here), and is designed to cater to your particular needs. Here are a few things you can expect if you become a learner with the GLC:

  • A tutor with expertise in the area you wish to improve
  • Access to online material you can work on at your own pace
  • Repeat and long term help - for answers to quick questions, please use our script service
  • Examples of learner programs the GLC has developed: work skills, improving reading and writing skills, using cell phones and other digital literacy, math, and budgeting


How you can Help

As part of our tutoring program, the GLC is always looking for volunteer tutors with different skills to offer. This diversity allows us to broaden the options we can offer to learners and meet everyone's needs. Here is what you can expect from us as a tutor:

  • An opportunity to share your area of expertise - from marketing to craftsmanship to writing and everything in between
  • A short term commitment
  • A means to grow your community by sharing something you love with others
  • Support from the GLC as well as an online resource hub

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